The applications and online resources listed below are used through the Clever Portal by schools in San Diego Unified. Select an application to visit the vendor's website and find out more. Please note that some applications may require schools to purchase a license first.
Some applications may only be used by one or two schools. Applications will vary from school to school, from grade level to grade level, and can even vary from class to class. When teachers and students login to the Clever Portal, they will only see the applications they need.
District Provided Applications
Free Applications
Paid Applications
Links to Library Resources
Links to library resources are included in the Clever Portal. Britannica, ProQuest, and TeachingBooks are part of the California K-12 Digital Resources provided for all students through the California State Library. All three can be found on Clever and Destiny.
Please note most of these links will only work if accessing them from school or within the district network. Most of these links will not work from home. Select an application to visit the vendor's website and find out more about each of these online resources. Unless otherwise noted, these online resources are available to all students.
Links to Other Online Resources
Links to other online resources are included in the Clever Portal. Please note students, teachers, and staff may need to sign into these sites separately.
Links to College Readiness Resources
The following links to college readiness resources are included in the Clever Portal, for students in Grade Levels 9-12. These links are accessible from school and from home.