The Clever Portal is used to provide access to various instructional applications used in San Diego Unified. Typically teachers and students will automatically be provided with access to the appropriate instructional applications, based on classes created in the master schedule at your school. However, access for non-teaching staff may also be needed in some situations. Additional details are provided below to assist schools with supporting non-teaching staff who need access to the Clever Portal.
Not sure if you have access to Clever?
If you aren't sure if you have access to Clever, please start by trying to login to the Clever Portal at
- Select Login with Active Directory
- Enter your district ID and password
- If you can login successfully, then you should be all set! If you see an error message or need additional assistance, please proceed with one of the options outlined below.
Option 1 — How to provide access in Clever for non-teaching staff
The instructions below will provide access to Clever for non-teaching staff who will NOT be associated with any classes in the master schedule at your school or in any other district school/department. Please do not use this method if the person is associated with any classes in PowerSchool.
Important! The directions below will provide access to Clever as a non-teacher or "school admin" user. The user will receive access to the Clever Portal but will not have a class/students to work with in various instructional applications. Please also note that some instructional applications do not support access for non-teaching staff, while others do. If the user who needs access will require access to a class/students, please refer to the instructions provided below for adding co-teachers.
- Contact the Power User at your school for assistance with reviewing/updating your access in PowerSchool. It is important to understand that how your account is configured in PowerSchool is related to your access in Clever. If you work at the district office, not a school, please contact the IT Help Desk for assistance at (619) 209-HELP (4357) or submit a support request online at
- Power Users should review the user's account on the Security Settings page in PowerSchool and apply any necessary changes. Use the Staff Search page to search for the user's account at your school. If you cannot find them, you may need to add them to your school first.
- Review the first tab of the Security Settings page, Teachers and Affiliations:
- Sign in to PowerTeacher must be turned OFF (unchecked) for non-teaching staff. Be careful to only do this if the user does NOT need access to PowerTeacher and does not have any classes in the master schedule at your school or another school.
- Staff Type should be set to Staff for your school.
- Home School should be set to the school where the user will receive access in Clever.
- If you made changes, be sure to click the Submit button.
- Review the second tab of the Security Settings page, Admin Access and Roles:
- Sign in to Administrative Portion of PowerSchool must be turned ON (checked) for non-teaching staff.
- Review the list of schools under Roles and Schools:
- If your school is NOT listed, click Add to provide the user with access, even if it is View Only or No Access. The user must have at least one role listed under Roles and Schools.
- If your school is already listed, there is no need to make changes.
- If you made any changes, be sure to click the Submit button.
- Updated information in PowerSchool is sent to Clever each evening. If you made changes to the user's account, using the instructions provided above, these changes will be sent to Clever that evening. The user should have access to Clever the next day.
- If you need additional assistance with providing access to Clever, or an application used through Clever, please contact the IT Help Desk at (619) 209-HELP (4357) or submit a support request online at
Option 2 — How to provide Co-Teacher access in Clever for non-teaching staff
The instructions below will provide access to Clever for non-teaching staff who will need to be associated with one or more classes in the master schedule at your school, so they can work with students as a teacher would, using various instructional applications. This method should only be used if the instructions above are not sufficient to provide the user with access as a non-teacher.
Important! The directions below should only be used to provide a non-teacher with access to a small number of classes. Do NOT use this method to add someone as a co-teacher to all classes or a large number of classes at your school. Please also note that some instructional applications do not support access for co-teachers, while others do.
- Contact the person/team at your school who is responsible for handling changes to the master schedule. Please also contact the Power User at your school, if it is not the same person who handles the master schedule. If you work at the district office, not a school, you will need to work with the appropriate school(s) to be added as a co-teacher.
- The person/team who handles master schedule changes should assist with making changes to add the user as a co-teacher to the appropriate classes in the master schedule. Add the new user as a co-teacher for the existing class in your master schedule. Additional instructions are available to assist schools with adding co-teachers.
- Power Users should review the user's account on the Security Settings page in PowerSchool and apply any necessary changes. Use the Staff Search page to search for the user's account at your school. If you cannot find them, you may need to add them to your school first.
- Review the first tab of the Security Settings page, Teachers and Affiliations:
- Sign in to PowerTeacher must be turned ON (checked) for non-teaching staff who will be added as co-teachers.
- Staff Type should be set to Teacher for your school.
- Home School should be set to the school where the user will receive access in Clever.
- Updated information in PowerSchool is sent to Clever each evening. If you made changes to the user's account, using the instructions provided above, these changes will be sent to Clever that evening. The user should have access to Clever the next day.
- If you need additional assistance with providing access to Clever, or an application used through Clever, please contact the IT Help Desk at (619) 209-HELP (4357) or submit a support request online at