
Grant Forms and Procedure

Grant Process

The following procedure, which is available as a checklist here, applies to all district staff members (teachers, administrators, central office staffers) who plan to submit grant applications, regardless of amount. This procedure does not apply to affiliated groups such as PTAs or school foundations.

Pre-Award (applications)


  1. Obtain a copy of the funder's grant application (RFP, RFA, online materials, etc.). For online grant applications, applicants must print/save a PDF copy of the terms and conditions associated with the grant.
  2. Consult with any relevant departments on planned activities (e.g., PPO if facilities modifications will be made or IT if technology is involved).
  3. Consult with other departments, schools, and school leaders who may be affected by grant activities.
  4. Complete a Request to Develop a Proposal (RDP)
  5. Attach the funder's application packet to the online RDP
  6. The online RDP will be routed to the principal or department administrator for approval
  7. The online RDP will be routed to the area superintendent or division head for approval
  8. Final approval confirmation will be emailed to applicant enabling step 9
  9. Complete and submit the grant application

Research and Evaluation Department:

  1. Submit RDP to central office leaders who review applications for district implications (e.g., technology, facilities, etc.)
  2. Notify applicants if issues become apparent
  3. Submit RDP to the Board of Education for approval

Post-Award (receive a check)


  1. Notify the Research and Evaluation Department of all grant awards (Note: Do not sign and return grant acceptance letters/forms prior to consulting Research and Evaluation. Special arrangements will be made if quick turnaround is needed.)
  2. Submit any grant award checks received to your Budget Analyst at the Education Center, Room 3209. Funds must not be deposited in ASB accounts. (Checks will be deposited in appropriate site/department accounts.)
  3. If the grant will be used to pay for services (e.g., to a third party), complete an Intake Form with Strategic Sourcing and Contracts.
  4. Implement grant activities and complete all reporting requirements

Research and Evaluation Department:

  1. Submit grant awards for Board of Education approval

Grant Application/Proposal Aids and Resources