Phishing & Spam

In our effort to continuously improve and update the district’s cybersecurity strategy, the IT Department deployed an Inbox Detection and Response (IDR) product called GoSecure a few years ago to help staff with determining which emails are safe from those that should be discarded. GoSecure continues to improve its product and this communication is meant to be a reminder for all returning staff and an introduction for new to the district staff about what GoSecure is and how to use it.

As you are reading an email message you will see the GoSecure IDR icon in the toolbar at the top of the message. If you ever have any suspicion regarding the safety and/or the sender of an email message, simply click on that icon, then the ‘Report email as threat’ button. The message will be automatically submitted for analysis and within a few minutes you will receive a report back if the message is safe or not.

If the message was deemed safe you can go about your normal business for handling/responding to the message. If the message is determined to be unsafe it will be automatically deleted from your mailbox and also from any other account in our system that also received it. And good news, no further action is required on your part. After submitting the message to GoSecure, IT security staff are then able review the message(s) and take further action when necessary.

Here is a Quick Start guide and a helpful video link.

Are you using a mobile device or you don’t see a GoSecure IDR icon? Simply forward the message to [email protected]


Using Outlook on Windows:

 Outlook Windows GoSecure

To submit a message click on either of the above icons then the “Report email as threat” button.

 Outlook Windows GoSecureOutlook Windows GoSecure


Using Outlook on Mac:

 Outlook MAC GoSecure



Using Outlook Web Access:

 Outlook OWA GoSecure


To submit a message click on either of the above icons then the “Report email as threat” button.

 Outlook OWA GoSecureOutlook OWA GoSecure



When you submit a message you will first receive the following confirmation message:

  GoSecure Email


A few minutes later you will receive the results using a simple green, yellow or red stoplight.

  GoSecure Email


- OR –

  GoSecure Email