Request Security Access


Secure access to all data at San Diego Unified is paramount and is controlled by several layers of security to enable or disable access to all users logging into district applications. Once users log into an application, the level of data presented is primarily based on job classification/role, e.g., area superintendents see all student data for all sites, principals see data for students enrolled at their school location, and teachers see data for the students in the classes they teach. Requests for exceptions to the classification/role permissions are described in the sections on individual applications.

Here is a list of district applications and information regarding requests for access:

Email - How do I request a district ( email account?

District email accounts are automatically created for most new employees. For Persons of Interest, use the "Request Details" on the DWA Security Request form to request an email account when you add a new POI. If you are an employee or Person of Interest whose account wasn’t ever created automatically, please call the IT Service Desk at (619) 209-4357.

PowerSchool - How do I request access to PowerSchool?

The training prerequisite for access to PowerSchool is the Introduction to PowerSchool course. Sign up in Professional Learning.

Each school has a designated Power User who is responsible for maintaining PowerSchool security. Contact the Power User at your school to request the appropriate security aligned to your responsibilities. If you need access to a few schools, you will need to contact the Power User at each school site to request access.

District wide, read-only access can be provided in PowerSchool to San Diego Unified employees who need to see student information but do not need to make changes. Ordinarily, such district wide access will be granted only to central office employees. Please use the online form to request districtwide, read-only access in PowerSchool. In order for your request to be considered for approval, you must attend the Introduction to PowerSchool training.


To request an account for Professional Learning, follow the directions on the Professional Learning login page.

PeopleSoft access - How do I request extended PeopleSoft access, beyond what is already granted to me per my position?

To request extended access to PeopleSoft, a DWA Security Request Form must be submitted via the PeopleSoft.  The form is located in PeopleSoft Human Resources (HCM), under Self Service. For directions on submitting the form, see the DWA Security Requests job aid.

Person of Interest (POI) accounts - How do I request a POI account for non-district staff?

To request a Person of Interest (POI) account, a DWA Security Request Form must be submitted via the PeopleSoft.  The form is located in PeopleSoft Human Resources (HCM), under Self Service. For directions on submitting the form, see the DWA Security Requests job aid.

Mainframe Client/Server (SIS) and Legacy 504 - How do I request access to the legacy SIS and 504 systems?

To request access to the legacy Mainframe Client Server (SIS) and 504 systems, a DWA Security Request Form must be submitted via the PeopleSoft. The form is located in PeopleSoft Human Resources (HCM), under Self Service. For directions on submitting the form, see the DWA Security Requests job aid.

HOONUIT - How do I request access to HOONUIT?

Access to Hoonuit is automatically assigned based on your position.  We do understand that many different employees may wear many "different hats" not always associated with their job title.  If this is the case with you or some of your staff members, simply fill out a DWA Security Request form for additional access to Hoonuit (found in PeopleSoft HCM under Self Service), have it approved by your principal or manager and we'll grant you access to the dashboards and reports that will best allow you and your staff to do your job better, faster, and more accurately. Please refer to DWA Security Requests job aid to assist you with your security request.

HMH Admin - How do I request administrative access to HMH?

Principals at schools using HMH are automatically given administrative access when their assignment to a school is announced at a board meeting. For any employees other than principals, requests should be sent to Kelly Shorzman.

LiveScan - How do I request access to LiveScan?

To request access to LiveScan, please contact Police Services.

After hours building access - How do I request after hours building access?

To request access to after hours building access, please contact Police Services.

Site Based Budget (SBB) - How do I request access to Site Based Budget?

To request access to SBB, please contact your assigned Budget Analyst.

Rapid Time Entry (RTE) - How do I request access to Rapid Time Entry?

Accounts and training for RTE are requested through the district's Payroll Supervisor.