i21 Classroom End of Year Checklist
Please download the End of Year Checklist (at the link below) as it contains the details for closing down the i21 classroom for the summer break. Please make sure to follow the items specifically to ensure a quick and seamless start-up at the beginning of the new school year.
Download the End of Year Checklist
Checking out Equipment Over the Break
Should a classroom teacher wish to check out the Teacher Tablet PC and/or a classroom student device over the break to plan instruction or attend training, we have attached the "Employee Permit for Use of School Property." Please note that school site administrator approval is required for checkout and that teachers who will not be returning to the school site next year may not check out equipment.
Download the Employee Permit for Use of School Property
Clean up or Close Down Classroom Learning Management System (or other Online Collaborative Spaces)
The end of the school year is an opportune time to clean up or close down the classroom Learning Management System or other online collaborative spaces. Please see the links below for instructions on how to do this for Canvas and Moodle.
Information on how to save your Canvas course at the end of term (semester or year) and Publish new courses.
Canvas End of Semester
- eLearning (elearning.sandi.net)
- LMS (lms.sandi.net):
- Step 1: Archive any student work that you would like to keep for future use such as forums discussions. On a Windows computer, the easiest method would be to copy and paste into a Word document, for example. On a Mac, use print to PDF.
- Step 2: Reset the course. Please see a quick how to video.
Google Classroom:
At the end of a semester or the school year, it is highly suggested that you archive all classes to preserve the class materials, assignments, and any postings to the class stream. When you archive a class, you no longer see it among your other classes and work—it is moved to a separate area to help keep your current classes organized. Note: Unless a class is archived, it continues to show up in students' active classes, so teachers should archive inactive classes to prevent students from unsupervised interactions.
Other Online Collaborative Spaces:
Please consult the online help or support page for that system.
Google Drive For Exiting Staff or Students: Using Takeout to Download or Transfer your Data from Google Drive
Staff and students who leave the SD Unified School District will lose access to their district Google accounts. You can export and download the data from your district account or transfer it to another Google account through a service called Takeout.
iPad and Android Student Device Job Aids
These resource materials will guide you through the steps necessary to complete the items identified in the aforementioned End of Year Checklist.
- iPads
- Android - Please see the end of the year checklist.
If you have any questions, please email the Educational Technology Point of Contact for your school.
Thank you,