
The primary focus of the Instructional Technology Department is to work alongside teachers, students, and peers from other instructional departments at the school sites, embedded into student centered coaching cycles.

  • To request technical support, please contact the Help Desk at 619-209-4357.

  • For resources in teaching with technology, please visit

  • If you have other questions related to an instructional practice or specific application that can be integrated into teaching and learning, please let us know here. We will seek topics that are in high demand and investigate possible ways to provide supports across the entire district through an equity lens.





Derek Suzuki

Program Manager of Instructional Technology

 [email protected]
Lauren Leathers

Lauren Leathers

Resource Teacher

[email protected]

Cheryl Steinemann

Cheryl Steinemann

Resource Teacher

[email protected]

Claudja Van Orden

Claudja Van Orden

Resource Teacher

[email protected]

David Marceleno-Benavides

David Marceleno-Benavides

Microcomputer Applications Training Specialist

[email protected]

Tim Betteridge

Administrative Assistant

[email protected]