What's New in PowerSchool

What's New in PowerSchool?
Posted on 06/21/2019

Please see the information below regarding changes to PowerSchool:

New Report

  • Student 6-8 Total GPA - Effective Monday, June 24, 2019, a report will be added to PowerSchool which will list actively enrolled students at your school and the cumulative 6-8 Total GPA. An optional parameter is provided to allow schools to view students who have a 6-8 GPA less than or equal to the specified value. For example, this report can be used to view students who have a 6-8 GPA of 1.4 or less. Please note that the 6-8 GPA is calculated each night in PowerSchool. Please also note this report will only show results for district middle and K-8 schools. To run this report select System Reports, select the sqlReports 4 tab, and then expand the group of Grading reports.

Updated Report

  • Student Summons Report - This report has been updated to allow sorting by Room. Previously, the report only offered sorting by student name and grade level. To run this report select System Reports, select the SDUSD tab, and then select Student Summons Report.

Other changes

  • PowerTeacher Attendance page - Effective Monday, June 24, 2019, the page used to take attendance for a single day will be updated to include a link to the teacher "Backpack" pages, for each student.
  • SchoolFinder - The SchoolFinder website has been updated to display assigned neighborhood schools for the upcoming 2019-20 school year: https://www.sandiegounified.org/schoolfinder. Please contact the Boundaries office at (619) 725-5668 with questions or concerns.


  • Important! Please do not withdraw or drop students who were active at the end of the 2018-19 school year. If the student will not be attending next year, change the Next School to Not continuing next year and leave the student enrolled.
  • Incomplete Enrollments report - Schools should be running this report to validate that no one at your site has started an enrollment and not completed it. To run this report select System Reports, sqlReports 4 tab, and then expand the group of Enrollment reports. If the student is a no show, you must complete the Student Demographics page first, then drop the student as a No-Show. You may also contact the Help Desk to have them dropped.
  • Master Schedule Open Labs - Open labs will be offered through Monday, July 22nd if you need assistance with master schedule set up in PowerSchool. Sign up in ERO.
  • Summer School Progress Reports for High Schools - Each site is responsible for running mid-session progress reports. They should be stored and printed the last day of the third week of summer school. For instructions on storing and printing summer progress reports refer to the Summer School Grade Reporting for High Schools handbook.
  • Summer School Training - All staff members responsible for summer school maintenance and/or final grade storing should attend Summer School training. Sign up in ERO.
    • Maintenance training is for staff HIRED to maintain the summer school database. The next Summer Maintenance training is Wednesday, July 10th.
    • Grade storing open lab for high schools is Friday, July 26th, at 12:00 pm.