PowerSchool 19-20 Secondary Final Grade Setup

PowerSchool 19-20 Secondary Final Grade Setup
Posted on 08/08/2019

In order for teachers to begin Gradebook setup, and for schools to be able to store grades, the Final Grade Setup must be completed. This needs to be implemented before the opening of school and requires your attention. We ask that you print and review the final grade setup job aid with your administrator, and designate one person to submit the 2019-20 Final Grade Setup Form online.

Secondary Schools including K-8: Please Note:Progress Report grading period end dates should align with Athletic Eligibility grading periods, as established by the Office of PE, Health and Athletics. Semester and Quarter term dates outlined on the District Calendar will be used by IT as the dates for final grades.

Elementary Schools: The standard district dates from SDUSD Traditional and Single Track Year Round Calendars will be set up automatically according to Admin Circular #54, dated March 12, 2019. You do not need to supply dates.