Good news! Links to Gale resources are now available in the Clever Portal for students and teachers!
Access to Gale resources will be made available based on student grade level:
Gale is one of four databases, (Britannica, Gale, ProQuest, and that is part of the California K-12 Digital Resources provided for all students through the California State Library. All four can be found on Clever and Destiny.
Find out more about Gale resources.
Gale in Context: Environmental Studies - Environmental issues are discussed that affect people globally through topic discussions, news, and multimedia across the curriculum. |
Gale Interactive: Science - More than 200 interactive science lessons, guided activities, and 3D models. Covers concepts in biology, earth, space, and chemistry. |
Gale Presents: National Geographic Kids - Engage students in elementary and middle school grades with National Geographic published books, magazines, videos, and images. |